Project Description
Study on the situation as regards the medicinal treatment of animals of the Equine species and their exclusion from the food chain.
Under the European Union (EU) legislation, animals of the equine species are considered food-producing animals. Under Article 158 of the Veterinary Medicinal Products (VMPs) Regulation (EU 2019/6), the Commission is obliged to present a report to the European Parliament and to the Council on its assessment of the situation as regards the treatment with medicinal products of animals of the equine species and their exclusion from the food chain, including with regard to the import of animals of the equine species from third countries. The assessment is to be accompanied by any appropriate action proposed by the Commission taking into account, in particular, public health, animal welfare, the risks of fraud and the level playing field with third countries (TCs).
To facilitate the preparation of such report, OPERA was contracted by the European Health and Digital Executive (HaDEA) on behalf of the European Commission, to study that situation. The study will use both quantitative and qualitative evidence, such as publicly available data and surveys and interviews of selected stakeholders.
Stakeholders include Competent Authorities (CAs) in charge of the authorisation and use of VMPs, of public health and animal health and welfare as well as those in charge of performing official controls in these areas. Beyond CAs, other stakeholders include veterinary professionals, equine breeders and keepers and their associations, animal health and equine and food producing industry representatives and animal welfare organisation. Stakeholder contribution is critical for the study in order to produce an accurate and thorough assessment of the current situation (see enclosed the support letter from the European Commission).
Data and opinions provided by the stakeholders will be collected by means of specific survey questionnaires for each of the different stakeholder categories, tailored on the basis of the study questions:
– Subset A: questions for CAs in the EU/EEA.
- Subset A1: questions for CA responsible for identification and registration of animals of the equine species;
- Subset A2: questions for CA responsible for movement and traceability of animals of the equine species;
- Subset A3: questions for CA responsible for import of animals of the equine species into the EU from TCs;
- Subset A4a: questions for CA responsible for meat production from animals of the equine species;
- Subset A4b: questions for CA responsible for detection of residues in meat from animals of the equine species;
- Subset A5: questions for CA responsible for meat trade from animals of the equine species;
- Subset A6: questions for CA responsible for animal welfare;
- Subset A7: questions for CA responsible for VMPs prescription and use;
- Subset A8: questions for CA responsible for VMPs authorisation.
– Subset B: questions for Veterinary profession.
– Subset C: questions for animal welfare organizations in the EU.
– Subset D: questions for representatives of the equine industry and farming communities.
– Subset E_ questions for representatives of the animal health industry.
Project is funded by EC Agency HADEA.
Duration: 07/2023 – 02/2025