Project Description

Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene and flexibility under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative – EAHC/2013/BTSF/13

Better Training for Safer Food” (BTSF) is an initiative of the European Commission’s Health and Food Safety Directorate-General (DG SANTE) aimed at organising a European Union (EU) training strategy in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.

Specific objectives of this projects are to raise awareness and improve understanding of flexibility provisions of the Hygiene Package, highlight how provisions are not always used completely and not in the proper manner, promote exchange of experience in order to increase the level of expertise and harmonisation in the approach to flexibility, ensure a better use of flexibility provisions, disseminate best practices for official controls when flexibility is applied, raise awareness on notification procedures and importance of their adoption (Link to BTSF Flexibility 2013)

Training workshops were held in the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Finland
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Portugal
  • Spain

Duration: 12/2013 – 11/2017