Project Description

Organisation and implementation of training activities on effective enforcement of the animal welfare during transport legislation under the “Better Training for Safer Food” initiative – Call for tender n° CHAFEA/2020/BTSF/10

“Better Training for Safer Food” (BTSF) is an initiative of the European Commission’s Health and Food Safety Directorate-General (DG SANTE) aimed at organising a European Union (EU) training strategy in the areas of food law, feed law, animal health and animal welfare rules, as well as plant health rules.

The objectives of the training activities are:

  • to achieve a uniform and correct implementation of EU rules on animal welfare during road transport in the Union by having national authorities performing controls in a uniform manner and of consistently high quality leading, where necessary, to taking relevant enforcement action to rectify and/or sanction non-compliances.
    Participants and their respective Member States/countries will be able to: to identify and know where to find all the information they need to perform effective retrospective checks on animal transport; to cross-check the information with the appropriate legal requirement; to obtain the correct conclusion regarding the degree of compliance of a consignment and gain an understanding of good practices in the EU and how these may be adopted in their own control systems.
  • To reinforce networking between EU and certain non-EU countries’ staff involved in prioritisation and implementation of official controls by bringing together participants from different Member States and certain non-EU countries.
  • To allow the exchange of experience and disseminate best practices for risk targeting of control activities, implementing official controls, and effective enforcement and follow up activities relating to EU rules on animal welfare during road transport in the Union and beyond.

The training programme includes 2 phases, each of 11 training sessions*, addressed to authority officials organising, implementing and enforcing legislation on animal welfare during road transport from all levels of the authorities (local, regional, central) and a small number of additional stakeholders.

(Link to BTSF Animal welfare during transport legislation).

Training workshops will be held in the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Netherlands
  • Poland

Duration 12/2021 – 12/2025